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"Destined To
Triumph" is a wisdom cache of tough experiences of an African child who
has seen it all - take a look at a press
review release of "Destined to Triumph” by the December 17, 2011 Saturday
Monitor newspaper, the most popular non-state newspaper in Uganda.
Destined to Triumph Recipe
1. Finding oneself a complete orphan at a tender age of seven years, without both parents, can one still make it in life to be the person one were destined to become?
2. Does today’s banning of corporal punishment in primary and secondary schools erode the wisdom of the wise man, King Solomon, saying “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.” – Proverbs 22:15?
3. Is the saying that Uganda is gifted by nature, which is en-shrived in the third stanza of the national anthem, a correct throng?
4. Was/is bullying a nightmare of some sort to a new comer, Senior Ones, in your [former] secondary school?
5. Is fighting amongst rival secondary schools a tradition or circumstantial?
6. Do you know how much it would hurt to score desired university entrance marks and you can not join either a university or any of the universities’sister institutions?
7. Corruption in Uganda - what is the role of citizens? With Uganda’s pathetic reading culture, choosing a barrel of a pen, rather than the barrel of a gun as a non-violent path, can writing be used to condemn, fight and rid Uganda of corruption and other social evils?
8. How many people, not the least Ugandans, have had a chance to fly in an airplane? And, how many of those who have had the opportunity, have shared their experiences, moreover, of flying in a plane to a foreign land, where on landing, everything is too big for the eyes of new a comer to accommodate?
9. What does it feel at an old age to be in a foreign land where you start learning the ONLY language spoken with, "Read after me, 'a', 'e', 'i', and the like, as if you have returned to nursery school?
10. Africa learns about Europe - have you ever read of an escapade of an African young man shying away from a love life offered to him on a sliver plate by a white girl of dazzling beauty?
11. Have you ever read about an African sharing his/her experience of studying with whites in the same class and beating them?
12. What does a new comer make of the unbecomings that meet one’s eyes, which we have in Uganda?
13. The 2007 Official figures from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics and the Uganda Investment Authority indicate that some 400,000 Ugandans join the labour force every year but only 18,000 new jobs are created, which is unemployment rate of 95% among youth graduates. Little wonder then, that in Uganda, a university graduate with a first class degree can remain languishing in the streets in search of the elusive jobs for over a decade?
14. Marriage institution threatened by thieves and con-women: was the Late Dr. Emmanuel Tumusiime Rushedge, a.k.a Tom Rush Old Fox, a prophet of doom to Julius Babyetsiza? In the November 20, 2005 Sunday Vision Tom Rush Old Fox wrote, “Every language I know has adages, sayings of the wise, proverbs and riddles. They are hailed as reservoirs of wisdom or sound reasoning. Great peoples have theirs written down; on stone, papyrus, paper, or present age electronic media. … In another proverb, one ancestor is known to have found a beautiful bird perched on a rock, wet and shivering. In his naivety, he thought it was a dove fledgling, dying from cold. He took it home, placed it by the fireplace to warm, expecting kudos from the Wild Life Authority. As soon as the bird warmed up, its true colours emerged. It roared with thunder, flashed lighting, set the house ablaze, and soared to its home in the clouds. This gave rise to a saying I’ll never forget: “Don’t see a wet thunderbird and mistake it for a dove!” I know you are waiting to hear about my dove-turned-thunderbird.”
15. With the unrelenting rampant corruption in government offices, am I right to say that Uganda is going to dogs, whose theirs is to devour it, especially through greed, embezzlement, rampant corruption and stealing of public funds that are meant to uplift the poor, lack of proper national planning and poor policies, environment abuse, poor governance, poverty and stagnation? Can my call of a new innovative leadership paradigm shift that will enthrone universities/university leaders as the guardians of political and socio-economic accountability change things?
16. God is never an easy topic to write about - have I mastered the art of spreading the word of God without being preachy with one reviewer of "Destined to Triumph" commenting, "The Word of God has never been sweeter and relevant than with Babyetiza’s story. Julius Babyetsiza has seen it all. In his deeply-moving autobiography, “Destined to Triumph”, he gives us highly engaging snapshots into the turbulent twists and turns he has waded through, which leave us convinced about his belief that he can only be surviving through the omnipotent protection of the Hand of God"?.

* Read "Destined To Triumph" press review release by the Uganda's
Monitor Newspaper:
* e-Book on Amazon: