- See more at: http://destined-to-triumph.blogspot.com/p/desinted-to-triumph-comment-and-reviews.html Destined To Triumph: Drawing-Conclusions-Manifesto



"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you," Maya Angelou.

“You already know enough. So do I. It is not knowledge we lack. What is missing is the courage to understand what we know and to draw conclusions,” Sven Lindqvist.
Mr. Mukotani Rugyendo, one of Uganda's celebrated writers—author of "Barbed Wire" [African Writers Series 187] drew following conclusions in the early stages of compilation of “Destined to Triumph”: What you have encountered so far comprises a lot of challenging experiences that their telling makes very engaging reading and provides good lessons not only to those who still have a lot to learn but perhaps even remind those older than you of the tribulations and follies they might have fallen victim to at one time or another. In short, I am saying, your work has excellent material, warranting it telling it to other people".

The outspoken retired Uganda’s Supreme Court Judge, Hon. Justice Prof. Dr. George W. Kanyeihamba was one of the reviewers of “Destined to Triumph”. After reviewing the book, he described it as “Powerful, genuine, inspiring, and truly a triumphant story”.

Milton Ogega, one of Watoto Church’s brainy gurus, was also one of the reviewers of “Destined to Triumph”.  He described the book as a story of "No surrender no retreat, despite of the mud the devil throws at hero".

Captivating conclusions drawn by follow writers at HarperCollins’s facility for writers, www.authonomy.com, to where “Destined to Triumph” was submitted and stayed for six months (April - October 2011).

Julius I have finished reading the words you have on this network, "Destined to Triumph". William Faulkner, an American writer in receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for literature said in his speech, "The young man or woman today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.

Might I also mention that he wrote long sentences and long paragraphs. And he wrote many best sellers and movies were made from his books.

Obviously by the number of people who are attracted to your work, "Destined to Triumph", you draw people to your story. By the way, I love that title "Destined to Triumph" and it so well fits your story and maybe most of the best stories written. But what I want to say is that I think your writing, while your graphs are long and your sentences sometimes are also long (like Faulkner) your writing is able to capture that elusive something, which I'm going to call the heart in conflict with itself. You allow people to see inside your heartfelt fears and dreams, and inner conflicts and it is refreshing. Dostoevsky, one of my favorite writers, although hard to read, also is a master at presenting the "ambivalence" in the heart of men and women. I think that's what makes him great. He touches on the human conflicts as much as any novelist. In "Destined to Triumph" you present a real human person striving to accomplish and sometimes failing and sometime succeeding and always keeping on trying again, a situation that others can relate to. As for the editing marks and how long your paragraphs are, those things are simple to remedy, should you chose to make them shorter. Maybe you want to be like Faulkner and write long paragraphs. Anyway, I do think you have great potential as a writer and as someone who can express the joys and agonies of living in Uganda or the United States or the moon for that matter. Read Faulkner's speech he gave when he accepted the award. Best wishes. Keep writing and keeping hoping. Fitz Roney And I also enjoyed learning more about your country from the things you write. …
writer at HarperCollins’s facility for writers, www.authonomy.com.

I have read through the sixth chapter and fast-forwarded to the later chapters as well. From what I can tell, this is very much a chronicle in the style of Old Testament and historical chronicles. It gives the reader an opportunity to thirst after the mystery and story line of your life. Good luck in any case. You're definitely one of the most interesting writers on the site.
Memphisgirl (Lisa)

a.morrison712 wrote:
I love the message behind your book. I am giving this high stars because of the moving potential that this book has for Ugandan education. One thing that stood out to me was Introduction: My Genealogy  , The autobiographies from young men who overcame a struggle in Africa seem to be big right now. "They Rained Fire On Us From The Sky" comes to mind. There is a market for this kind of book and I am happily giving you six stars. I see this going far. Best of luck with it!
sheetals wrote:
God is never an easy topic to write about but you have mastered the art without being preachy. I am impressed.

Clive Bone wrote:
Your book is fascinating and it's on my bookshelf. It seems that we have a mutual interest in economic development - my MBA dissertation was on the reasons for UK relative industrial decline from the late Victorians onwards. Part of the reason for this is educational and given the colonial history of Uganda it helps to shed light on the problems you highlight.
As you'll see from my blurb I'm a published management writer. My first novel The Empress of Rome may betray that.
Best wishes,


gparrick wrote:
I admit to reading in depth the first 9 chapters of Destined to Triumph, skimming the middle chapters and then reading in depth chapters 24 to 27.
I enjoyed the book very much as a slice of life through your eyes that shared the culture, superstitions, and everyday life of Ugandans. I was entertained by the engaging use of cultural wisdom imparted by the sayings of your people. Examples are the observation that "in the race with the elephant, even the chameleon reached the finishing mark" and the story of Gipiri and Labongo. I also particularly like the evocative description of Jovelina when you said "She rescued me from the devil's fangs and from the claws of death."
Your book brought to mind all of the good people who intervened in my life to help me at critical times. I appreciated your recognition of those who helped you and think their description was generally a good example of discussing the experience and giving the understanding of how they contributed to the man you became.
Your final chapters were very familiar. Many of us have tried to change the way the world works or thinks only do discover the academics or government bureaucrats are more concerned with protecting their position and getting paid for what they should be doing anyway. The only certain way is to work to replace them.
Finally, I appreciated very much the insight you provided to life in a corner of the world with which I have no familiarity. While it is very different from my experience in the United States, it is also very similar. Near the very end of my book I say "We were all born, will live and die as a part of the life process. Each of us tries to find the best path for ourselves and our loved ones between our birth and our death. In this we are the same and it must bind us.

Hello Julius, Since this is biography - really autobiography - I went to the end first and was impressed by your list of references. I have read or skimmed all your book and found it most interesting. I particularly like your use of language.  although some might want you to standardise the English before publication in UK, Uganda came shining through and through.

I was enthralled by your picture of Uganda, once described to me as the most beautiful country in the world, followed by, 'It should also be the most productive,' - a theme which you took up and shook thoroughly. The way of village life in your childhood was very different to my eyes, but vivid and lively, and I am totally with you in your despair at the corruption and inertia which bedevils so many societies in Africa, but not only there. Is it not just those problems which have lead the educated young people of the Arab countries to rebel against their leaders and the lack of opportunities. Sadly it is stirring even in nations like Korea, not in that case because of corruption but because of no work for their educated children. Somehow the world has got out of kilter, and a new way may have to be found to provide stability, probably through more creativity and entrepreneurial innovation - just what you are doing with your IT business.

I wish you every success and hope to see this published.
Best wishes, Margaret Woodward : Kilbaddy

junetee wrote
Hi Julius, I read a few more chapters of your wonderful book. It's truly inspirational and I hope it continues to do well. I still think it well deserves its 6 stars.
Junetee(Four Corners)

Dear Julius, this is such a heartfelt account; I can hear you talking to me. I was drawn into the story all the more beginning of chapter 1, which is fresh and vivid. You write well, and I wish you well. Fran Macilvey, Trapped

Mrs. Job wrote:
Hi Julius. I just finished reading chapter 6. What will sell this book is the content, and I know, from experience, that once the book is sold, competent editors will do a clarifying job on it. I do hope, however, that the editors will be able to reflect your style, because it by itself paints a picture of your culture.
And speaking of pictures—I would love to see photos of so much of what you talk about. I'd also like to see the drawing of a family tree to help with the first part of your story. Most of all, I am fascinated with the look into a culture so vastly different from my own experience. To say that it raises lots of bases for potential discussions is to put it mildly: the treatment of girls and women as it influences the culture, the reaction to alcoholism, the beating of children as a means of discipline, though you yourself point out that the teachers doing the beating seem to derive some pleasure from it. What does it say about the potential for violence in human beings? And oh yes, your commentary about people's slow movements - sluggishness? - a manifestation of hopelessness, depression? Toward the end of the chapter is raised the issue of pride in local accomplishments being eroded by the actions of the larger government, though the purposes and results seem to be positive. So much more swirls in my head as I read.
Julius, I just finished reading chapter 7. I really want to read more -- and I will -- But I do have comments. How very sad that it is so difficult to go on with one's education. It seems to me that, while water may be the most basic need in search of help from the world community, education holds a high number 2 priority. Water is #1 only because we can't survive without it, which would make the issue of education meaningless.
Mona (Mrs. Job)

Hello Julius.
I read the first few chapters of your book, and enjoyed.
You clearly have a solid voice - I feel like you are talking directly to me. Your mastery of narrative style shows in your work, and tells me that you have the ability to grasp a reader's attention and hold it.
That said, I was not held. I am not a fan of biographical writing, but even still, I am sure that a reader who is curious about your message, which is strong and meaningful, will be much more likely to absorb.

Hi Julius
Firstly, I admit that autobiographies are not really my genre, so I am probably not the best person to critique your work. However, you certainly have a very interesting tale to tell. You tell it well, showing a culture so set in its ways. I wish you lots of luck with it.

The Nomad wrote:
I have read this with interest and I quite like the straight-to-the point style here. It also gives me a peek into a life and background that is very different to my own.
The Nomad

Jue Shaw wrote:
Julius, I have now read the first three chapters and I can already tell that this is a unique story with a big message. I was moved, hearing about your father and his unfortunate, early death. The way you talk about him tells me that although you were very young, he still had a big impact on your life. I think you write well and you express yourself with flair. You have a very likeable quality to your voice, and I think this book will do well. Some parts reminded me of Nelson Mandella's autobiography (which I also enjoyed) I suspect you are a brave and determined man who will someday help to effect great changes in a lot of lives. Bless you and good luck with all your work.
Julie, Shaw

John Page wrote:
You write from a deep place and speak to power. Interesting that you write of Uganda....my daughter's name comes from Uganda. Congratulations on your high ranking (33rd as of this writing [out of 6000+ books]!).

Hi Julius.]
I must point out that non-fiction is not really my genre and that I know very little about the history of your country.
I liked the pace of the book; not to slow as to bore the reader yet not running ahead at break neck pace.
I found the chapter about your father's death very moving and I am sorry for your loss although it was a long time ago you never forget.
I am trying to get the names of your ancestors straight in my head before I move on and read more but I think you have a really good account here of life in your country and how is has made you who you are today.
I like your style of writing as it draws you close to events yet allows you to make up your own mind about things which I feel is probably much more important in non-fiction than in fiction.
Best wishes Julius.

I have read the executive summary....seems to be an interesting book and bit different...will read the book and give my comments soon....
In these three chapters that I have read, I must comprehend that it takes a man of courage to go back digging through his roots and past experience and craving to share it with others and when I read your story I must say am inspired. It gives people in or who went through the same situation the charisma to move on. Therefore to see you get this far its definitely GOD'S mercy. wish you luck all the way through.
Lady grace

DragonLady wrote:
I was very impressed by your prologue, have faith and the changes you seek will occur. Well written Julius, an issue that many have no concern with. Hopefully all will change for the better, but God is the only way. I will rate highly and support. Good Luck!

You write very well; an autobiography of faith is not my cup of tea, but you have a well-developed and distinctive writing "voice", which is an essential quality to be acquired by any writer.

revteapot wrote:
Good luck in your work in Uganda, but I confess autobiographies are not my usual read, and your prose is a little dense to encourage me into uncertain waters.
It sounds carefully planned and full of incident, which I suppose is what you want from an autobiography ;)

chenchen wrote:
I appreciate the intimate details of your unique upbringing and the culture that you came from. From the little I’ve been able to read, it sounds like you've led an amazing life, and I look forward to reading a little more. The only advice I can give is that maybe instead of prefacing the stories with the facts; you can describe them first, thus giving the reading a little curiosity. For example, when discussing your father's death, you immediately lead with the fact that your father died: "I will always remember the day my father died." Then you describe the day.
Maybe you could flip this order, lead with the details of a certain day, causing the reader to wonder what's coming next, climaxing with the dreadful event of your father's death. This isn't too major though, and the writing was concise and engaging. Good job! I will gladly back your book!

I feel that you need to start with a life-changing event or an interesting character so that the reader is immediately grabbed by your story and wishes to learn more. I think your Chapter 1 - the death of your father is just such an event and the perfect place to begin your story. It is startling; your father is an admirable character and for we Western readers, reading about the lifestyle, funeral customs etc is all very interesting. These things would make us want to read on.
Material from your first chapter can be re-ordered and used later on, but I think you need a more dynamic beginning full of human interest - by starting with your father's funeral you can make us care about you and take a deep interest in your life.

zack wall wrote:
You've got an interesting story for sure. I liked the narrating style, which tells a story and gets to the point. It seemed pretty good, and I look forward to reading more! Starred.
Zachary Wall-

RogerKulak wrote:
Hello Julius,
Your life is very interesting and you have put great effort in documenting it. I have highly rated it thus far and have added it to my watchlist.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
B Rgds, Roger.

I think we all can relate to how little we know about our family history. You were completely right when talking about how the MC only can recall five generations. I think most of us can only go back that far. Your writing is very informative and I am sure the journey of your main character will be an eventful one.

dithurambos wrote:
Hello Julius,
I admire your courage. The West is not 'running' though. It is drowning in debt for the same reasons that you give account of in your own country, but on a much bigger scale. Look out for a book called, The Debt Generation. It may give you a better understanding of what is happening in the West, which might also give your book added dimension and appeal to a broader public. it may well be that countries like yours are in a position where something can be done about access to education that will give you an advantage in future. To be perfectly honest, while I have the utmost respect for religious conviction, I am not sure if it helps your book. The account of your life is fascinating and a privilege to read.

judoman wrote
You write really well and put the reader inside the buildings and villages you speak about. You book is also very informative in the respect that you say most of your nationals cannot trace too far back in family trees.
You father whilst you say would have only been educated to a certain level, left his son with an enquiring mind and the ability to write well.
You string words together well and at a pace.
Well done sir.

ses7 wrote:
Thanks for inviting me to read your autobiography! I read the prologue and the first two chapters, and I appreciate the exposure to your culture and politics where you grew up--thanks for sharing about it. I admire your courage, and I wish you the best of luck on your book project.

Mach100 wrote:
Hello Julius,
Abraham Lincoln also said that you cannot uplift the poor by bringing down the rich. I wish that African leaders could understand this. Zimbabwe has failed miserably thanks to the theft of property from the ‘rich’ by the state. South Africa is seriously threatened by the same stupid attitudes and the list goes on. I hope you can gain enough support in Uganda to fulfill your dreams.
Julius, I am not fond of biographies but I found your story interesting and it flowed quiet well. Although I have not read the entire book, I have seen from the contents and the pitch what is in it. In my opinion, you have two separate books here. Your biography which I believe will be of interest to a far wider audience of readers and your political dissertation that will appeal more to academics and students of politics. I detest politics so even if I read more of your biography I will stop when I get to your political ideologies.
Best wishes, Charles Dyer (Mach100)

Mach100 wrote:
Hello Julius,
I changed my mind about not reading your book. I have lived my whole life on this continent of beggars and thieves. I despise them for not doing what you have done. You have stood up and made an effort to improve your position in life and you have succeeded. For that I admire you. I have also had to work for everything I have.
Your dog and lion quote set me thinking. It’s a moot point whether or not a live dog is better than a dead lion. Granted the live dog could be a companion or maybe even a guardian of sorts. The live lion would be a threat to one's life but the dead one could make an astute businessman a lot of money. The hide, a trophy-mounted head, the claws and no doubt the meat and organs too would all be snapped up by willing buyers at high prices. Alive or dead, the dog would have little intrinsic value but he could be a priceless friend.
Although I don’t particularly like biographies, I will look at yours and back your book for the simple reason that you are one of a small minority of exceptions in Africa. Good luck to you. I’m sure your ancestors are proud of you.
Best wishes, Charles Dyer (Mach100)

This bio is quite engaging and well written, I pray I do half as well when I write mine. The medical bio's are far easier than a life bio. Yours is very clear concise, easy to follow and quite interesting. I am backing and rating and pray you do make publishing. Denise

WindBorne wrote:
Hi Julius, I think it's awesome you're writing this kind of book. I too have a heart for the people of Africa and in all other poor countries. I haven't had a closer read yet, but I like the sounds of it so far. Best wishes.

The Arrowheads of Amiraz
(Martial Arts Fantasy)

wammark wrote:
After reading through the Prologue and first few pages, your 'straight up' writing style is a true depiction of the Julius Babyetsiza I know in person.
Great job!
I'll surely return and read some more later.

I was about to go to sleep, but right before logging off I noticed your message.
This isn't my usual taste, but your elegant style of storytelling propels the story along irresistibly.
I read through to the end of the first chapter, and I will be reading more.
Well done.
Highly rated.

I browsed your book and sensed that there is some potential in it because of who you are, and because your experiences and philosophy may help your native country, and perhaps other developing countries as well. The more weighty issue is knowing who your audience is and how to reach them. I believe your audience is a regional one, plus a sprinkling of international development afficionados. I would recommend finding an African foundation or think tank that has a publishing arm that can reach African intellectuals across a broad region, not only Uganda. I would aim to sell about a thousand copies in an initial (low risk) press run, and if it connects, you might be invited to be a speaker at conferences. You can then expand your audience using speaking engagements and other publicity events as a platform. The key, however, is to get the initial backing of a credible institution that specializes in development issues..
Dr. Eduardo P. Olaguer
"The Power of Four: Keys to the Hidden Treasure of the Gospels"

Members! I suggest taking a good look at this book . The author appears to be an up and coming leader of his country with some great ideas. In another ten years, whenever you read about Uganda, you may be reading about Julius as well most of the time. James Apologist

Crispy wrote:
Hi Julius,
I was drawn in by the quote from W B Yeats...which rang a bell with me from my days studying Literature at college. The scene you set is very evocative but one which is very different to my own experiences. Your sense of loss and the communities’ loss though, is tangible and comes across vividly. I agree with the comment below in the way you use the Old Testament....and the lineage. Genealogy seems very much in vogue these days as people search for the past.
Good luck with the book.

ecrumbley23 wrote:
Julius, this is truly a remarkable work. I enjoy stories like this, even more so that it's a true story. What you have here is complete gold and I hope it gets noticed; I would love to see it in a bookstore and would definitely pick up a copy just to have it here with my collection of favorites. I've been reading and haven't stopped!

the groom wrote:
I have read the first chapter of your book. I like how you cite the genealogy of Jesus and trace yours..
good luck for your work and I hope it will be published soon.
if you don't mind, I humbly ask your little consideration to read my book the groom the bride and the wedding.

hordak1972 wrote:
Thank you for your comment on my pitch. I will agree with you that it does not have a consistent flow and it pretty much did sound like bullet points. I shall revamp that shortly.
I have been reading yours and I just wanted to tell you what I thought. First, I will say this is just my opinion so take it like a grain of salt, I have been known to be wrong. But don't worry about that, that's my standard disclosure I tell everyone that I do a critique on. I found nothing wrong with your autobiography. I am only on the second chapter and I will ask for permission to read past chapter three, because I always will read at least the first three chapters. Your book is very inspirational. We are from two different cultural backgrounds and yet I can relate to your book. I myself don’t know my family roots past a great grand parent, and I commend you in tracing your history. You said this is your first attempt at writing and you did a great job by being able to relate to your audience. The way you listed your table of contents shows that you have well organized your thoughts on how you wanted to project your story.
Well have fun

Bucephalus wrote:
Hi Julius
Had a look at chapter 9, which is well written and engaging. It has the feel of a 'diary' quality about it, and this particular chapter also contains some very good advice! As a small note of advice purely of personal taste.
Best regards

Maxkrank wrote:
Wow, an engaging life story written clearly and with an individual voice. I would definitely take another look at your pitch. I'm sure it must be very difficult to write language to try and sell your life story but it's worth another look.
All the best of luck with it.

Intelligent work. The events you spoke about in your book about corruption and abuse of power resonates in me what actually happens in most African countries (and most third world countries). Well told, six stars.

Green H wrote:
Is it not amazing what influence our friends have on us? I can relate to what you said about how friends gave you that extra push to make the decision to publish. If it was not for my friends I would not have come this far with my book. It was the proudest moment of my life holding that copy in my hands and I am sure you too are very proud of what you have accomplished here as I can see you have put everything into this.
I am a poet, and even though in a way my poems are a form of my autobiography, I personally am not a big fan, but seeing what you have put into this I definitely give you thumbs up and wish you all the best to do well with this book. Backed and Rated
Green H

Nici wrote:
I started reading the book as the autobiography of an interesting Nigerian who grew up in a rural village. I read the opening chapters and I love some of the chapter headings - they do give a real flavour of the contents.
I am sure that writing this book was a very important personal journey and turned into an important public one by the element of 'bearing witness' to a time, place, people and - I hope - the events that led to the threat of being silenced.
There is an individual voice to the writing and I thought the child's viewpoint of his father's body, and his confusion over adults' way of showing grief, was very well written. I liked the start too, linking the bible generations with the narrator's own ancestors in the 'who begat whom' structure. It worked for me within the context of this particular book.
Jean Gill

Dear Julius,
Your story is an unusual and dramatic one, this is for sure. You are also on a mission and your serious passion and ethics are clear, all of which are admirable. The politically sensitive articles you mentioned,
I think you should make clear right away whether or not they are included in this book, in some form or other.
I assume you are also trying to publish those articles, or some of that material, outside of your country? Or elsewhere on the internet? Perhaps this would help your cause and your message?
I do not know if a non-Christian or a secular audience will appreciate your religious inspiration for writing your story, but church people will. You are clear that your intent is to “commend, condemn, counsel, warm and challenge”, so this story is not for the faint-hearted. It is for the serious reader only.
I do feel great sympathy for someone who is silenced when they are trying their best for their nation and for the cause of free speech and education.
It is hard to mix political and academic argument with a personalised, narrative-style autobiography. I almost think that you have two books here. I think the style must be more consistent, whether it becomes one book or two. Personally, I'd tell the autobiography, as a dramatised narrative, and within that only briefly sum up the other arguments, or work tracts, along the way. Then, the academic and political style stuff I'd put into articles and internet blogs, where I'd do more proper campaigning and organising.
Your journey is remarkable.
I wish you luck.

hanafan36 wrote:
I don't usually go for biographies of any kind, unless they match or reach my sense of humor (As Marya Hornbacher always does).
But this is...quite amazing. It reminds me of my school days where I thirsted for an idol of any kind, and I have found that sense of fulfillment in this writing, having found a man of intellect and creative sentence structure.
In short, you had me at the implied 'hello'.

Autobiographies are not my type to read but I find yours very interesting. I can see you have placed much effort and research into your roots and it connects the reader to you instantly. You convey your feeling pretty well. Your writing is clean and I am certain against all the troubles you had encountered at your previous job you will publish your autobiography. There may be things that you know and you would like to pass it to the word.
Good luck Julius, fully rated.

Professr wrote:
Your writing style is very clean and polished, especially given the adversities that plagued your childhood. Writing an autobiography is a difficult task, especially when you're writing it in consideration for publishing. When a famous person writes his or her autobiography, it is published because they have many fans who want to know all the details of their life. When a person of power writes theirs, it is published because people want to understand the things that made such a person powerful. In your case, I think you've written because you want people to understand the spirit of your culture during your childhood, because you have ideas and see things that you believe others need to understand, and because you also want a way to recall these memories in coming years.
The problem with writing such a work to convey an important idea or make a compelling argument is that you rely on your words to convince your readers of the argument or idea's validity. What is to make them buy the book in the first place? I'm guessing that marketability is not your first focus, so this question may not be important.
As a reader, I enjoy hearing about the world from the perspective of someone who's experienced something that I have not. Your grasp of detail, especially about memories so early, is very good. Your writing style is, as I've said, very clean. In my humble opinion, your arguments are persuasive, and the issues you raise are important - at least for those people who have the ability to make a difference in your homeland.

I read your book and think it is an interesting story, but I thought there are too many styles, from academic textbook, to gospel Christian tracts. Mixed in with personal diaries and emotions.

athena`s owl wrote:
The first few chapters that I have read are full of sadness, which has been graphically portrayed. I feel that I was being drawn in deeper and had to virtually tear myself away from the book after 5 chapters as a first sitting.
The situation might be of normal life to you, but is certainly an eye opener to myself, as it will be too many others. I can honestly say that life as you have experienced bears no resemblance to mine, and that in itself makes me want to read more. You have a very strong portrayal and I look forward to reading more.
I have giving you a rating and have put you on my shelf.

lafrattajoe wrote:
This is very well written. I have read a couple chapters and I must say I like what I’ve read so far.

David Price wrote:
I have now read two chapters Julius. You write very well, particularly when (I assume) English is not your mother tongue. I also found your story to be very interesting and moving.

'Master Act': a memoir

Verlandieu wrote:
Finished ch.2, fascinating stuff. Your writing flows quite nicely.

Bingocliff wrote:
To this day I never imagined attempting to search the roots of the past. I, Clifford am son of Clarence, who in turn is the son of Andrew, who in turn moved to the USA from Norway. And that's that. Reading your roots has sparked a curiosity with my nerves and your writing has struck a nerve in my soul. I thank you and will shelf your master piece.

Grey Muir wrote:
I am deeply moved by your experience of carrying your father’s shoes into the house behind the people who were carrying his body in. I can imagine that you felt shock and a feeling of unreality.
You do provide a very candid and open view of life in Uganda that most of us Americans have not seen.
I was caught up in it and read up to chapter two without planning to go that far all at once.

Chipper10 wrote:
Liked the story and look forward to reading more of it. I have friends that were missionaries in Uganda so I thought this book was a nice little insight into the country.
Best wishes on your writing.
Chipper Newman

mfleming wrote:
I really enjoyed your summary and look forward to reading the whole story. I have added you to my watchlist.

MysteryBuff wrote:
What a fascinating opening. I'd never thought about that aspect of the genealogy of Jesus Christ before. That is astounding. Your account of your genealogy was also fascinating, though different of course. You have a very strong voice. It's very well written. Best wishes indeed.

Julius your writing is strong and impassioned. It is my sincere hope that whatever good you seek for your country may it be found soon.
Well written.

mostSleptOn wrote:
It's a fine piece of literature Julius. You have worked hard throughout you whole life, not to mention your writing. I really wish you all the best as you have earned your spot at the apex of the literary world. You have a powerful message that will inspire many people and that is the standard of really powerful writing

JamesRevoir wrote:
Hello Julius,
Your book is truly inspirational. You are so faithful to glorify God through and through; and in so doing your life becomes as testimony as to how He can and will move heaven and earth to take His beloved children to places which they could never attain on their own.
You write articulately with an attention to detail, with charming observations to cultural differences. Your book as pitched in its present form would more likely be read by those who are highly educated than the average person.

God bless you as He continues to form you into a mighty world changer!

Jen Small wrote:
I think this is a very important book! I really like the way you have recorded the local history and the lives of ordinary people with care, fullness and perception! Cracking!

Hello Julius,
I have been reading your book today along with some of the comments made by others. I know you have spent much time putting the book together. Your thoughtful work does show.
I definitely feel your story needs to be seen by others because it may help them to get a better insight into the land where you were born and to understand your relationship to it.
Your life has already been shaped by a number of experiences both within and outside your native land. Those experiences have been interesting, and I would hope that you will be able to do more traveling to other parts of the world in addition to those you have already visited.

I read the four chapters in part III. The story of your wife's deception was terribly sad. I was so glad, however, that you ended this portion of your book with the account of you giving your life to Christ. This was an amazing testimony.

stoatsnest wrote:
I have read three chapters. There is something inspiring about this clear, dignified prose. I shall read more, but you have an important tale to tell, and I very much hope this gets published.

I'm in an internet cafe so don't have time to read the whole book but have made a start. I like your honest style of writing and your conviction and look forward to getting to know you better through your book. I must admit am having problems getting my head around the Ugandan names though I intend to persevere. At 36 I don't feel ready to write my autobiography yet although that hasn’t stopped people like Wayne Rooney or Katie Price. Have you written any fiction? I would love to see your prose style.

Hello, I've read through a few of the chapters after your contact and I think you have a lovely writing style, although I haven't read many autobiographies in the past so am perhaps not a good opinion to take. Africa is such a diverse place and yet a few of the images have really jumped out at me on the things I remember from South Africa. I wish you the best for your book and for taking the steps to help change your nation for the better.

brucewayne wrote:
I read your synopsis and was greatly impressed by the theme and the ideological aspirations. I have heard of the problems in Uganda. We are at the early stages here in America of a Ugandan society where by the thrifty people are starting to disappear. It reminds me of what King Solomon once said: "I have seen slaves on horse back while princes go on foot like slaves." He also said "fools are put in many high positions while the rich occupy the low ones." This is a grievous and evil thing under the sun....I wish you the best!

Writing a Bio of any type is difficult and arduous, I commend you on this one. Denise, I have WL you since my shelf is full at moment and rated but will shelf you soon.

apelle wrote:
Very captivating, I only read the beginning but I can't wait to come back for more. Everybody has a life story to tell and yours seems to be bagging to be told:)

Verlandieu wrote:
Dear Julius,
I have read your prologue and must say I am impressed by the quality of writing that I see. I don't read too many biographies, I confess, but I have place you on my watchlist. I sincerely wish you the best on all your endeavours for your country and continent.

juls-jewels wrote:
You state:
One of the hallmarks of “Destined To Triumph” is the suggested new leadership paradigm shift that will enthrone universities/university leaders as the guardians of political and socio-economic accountability. I read some of the book because of that statement and shall return to read the rest. I do read this type of book and shall recommend it to my friends.

libraryman wrote:
Engaging. Well written. Would recommend to school students.

I am placing this on my watchlist for further reading and giving it a preliminary star rating. It appears to be well written, and I found the subject interesting. Normally, I would not read this type of book. I will try to remember to comment more after I have read farther.

M. Iqbal wrote:
Thank you for your message. Yes, it seems we have written very different books with similar themes at the heart of them, so it was very interesting for me to read your work.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the opening of “Destined to Triumph”. You write smoothly and thoughtfully, drawing me into a journey in which I felt in good hands. I also appreciated the balance you achieved in communicating information/facts (of which there are a lot) and a sense of story, told to evoke and provide insight.
I will try to find the time to read more of it too as it gave the me the impression that more rewards lie ahead...
Rated highly.
M. Iqbal

CarolinaAl wrote:
I read your first three Authonomy chapters.
General comments: An interesting start. An engaging main character. Good imagery. Good pacing for this kind of story.


Karen louise wrote:
After reading the comments left by others I decided to go straight to chapter four to start my reading, I think I made a wise choice as I found the writing very interesting, I will try to find time to read your story from the beginning now,

mostSleptOn wrote 113:
I have a great deal of respect for nonfiction and I aspire to write nonfiction one day. From what I've read so far this book would be a good point of reference. I never really looked at genealogy in the light you put it in

Lindsey J wrote:
Hi Julius... Yes, had a quick look at you story already.  Nice to read something more meaningful than what is usually on here. I too have a great love for the bible and genealogy. We are all son's and daughters of Adam. I read the bible everyday and, for an Englishwoman, that is rare, I’m sorry to say.
I liked your writing style and like some of the other comments felt that your story is slowed a little by the first couple of chapters, but you must be true to yourself.
I will certainly read on over the week. Thank you for inviting me to read.
Kind regards

JPR wrote:
I think you are a very courageous person, and I admire you and your faith. I wasn’t really a religious person or a believer until my life was tipped upside down and inside out it was learning Reiki healing and my belief in Angels that I pulled through and felt strong again.
Best wishes always

See the differences in a built up western country, as my father certainly never engaged in road building, and I've never tramped fourteen kilometers, while overburdened with a great weight on my head. Upon the contraction of some disease/ailment, I'm straight down the one thousand bed hospital, the one with the top line doctors and nurses, and state of the art equipment. There were always reasonable explanations whenever lightning struck, electricity goes to earth. To avoid electrocution, simply wear rubber boots and gloves. Lightning can't be garnished as a weapon for dishing out punishment for knicking pineapples. I dare say, if I wrote a few articles for the 'New Vision' I would lose my job as well!
Hard to imagine a country so saturated in superstition that if a loved nephew doesn't meet an uncle on the way to his brothers house, the uncle will turn around and walk back, believing it a bad omen. ' Destined to Triumph' is a real eye opener with parts that are moving and tragic, in some places remarkably brave as a factual account of the writers own life.
The writing style is very good, and once past the family tree, the story is smooth and easy to read.
Full metal jacket of stars.
Daniel Manning

Carlag wrote:
It's a great idea! Full of admiration for anyone who writes an autobiography!

Jay Adiyarath wrote:
Hi Julius,
It is nice to read a fresh voice from Africa especially since the story is your own. Life is a challenge no matter how and where you are born. One day everybody will realize that the colour of blood is the same and the anatomy of the human race is one and that will be the time one needs to look forward to.
Your book is about human survival and immediately I am reminded of Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. We Africans and Asians have countless stories to tell about the theme of survival, of emerging from bondage, of dismantling the shackles of servitude in ages past. The scars are still visible in certain areas but thank heavens, the march forward is happening now. We are blessed to have been born in this age.
I have also read Chinua Achebe and admire his writing in A Man of the People. I hope you will one day emulate is status as an author.
All the best.
Jay Adiyarath

joserie wrote:
Hi Julius..
Your book is very moving and has peeked my interest, unfortunately I have read only a few chapters and will comment further when I read more. I have decided to back it up, because books like this deserves to reach the top. Hope things work out for you.
God bless...

T.L. Doutrich wrote:
I love the story that you present. One could learn a lot about Uganda, for sure. The way of life, their culture and what the land has to offer. Great Job! Backed with pleasure :)
T.L. Doutrich
Lilly and Thomas, Throne of Pidl

najwa wrote:
Well first and foremost what attracted me was Africa...I was born there, in Nigeria, and spent my childhood there...so technically I am Nigerian (in a way!) so anything to do with Africa automatically attracts me. Then I am a Pakistani...again so many political upheavals, conspiracies, the common man's plight linked to these...especially since recently I am working on such subjects myself, yes, these things intrigue me more...the simplicity in the storytelling is the best way to tell a story of great layers and complications and I think you're quite successful....best of luck!

B A Morton wrote:
This is an interesting tale which you undoubtedly feel strongly about. Your meeting with your uncle was told with sincerity and that did come across in your writing.
I wish you luck with this.

Raven Jake wrote:
The work cleanly written, concise and there isn't enough material around on the subject matter. The strength of your work is found in the anecdotal explorations.
Again, the anecdotal material is great. There are moments when the faith aspect becomes somewhat of a barrier, as those moments seem designed to appeal to only the Christian reader. What fascinates me about religion in the context of your book is the condition which facilitates its flourishing. This is a generalization I know, but it seems that the direr the situation, the more the mind reaches out to anything possibly existing outside the natural realm as a sort of survival mechanism. In the instance that the dire situation is overcome or escaped, individuals with strong character often feel compelled to perpetuate reverent sentimentality in order to repay a psychological debt to an arbitrary philosophy that has long outlived its usefulness.

There is an old Chinese curse that says “May you live in interesting times,” and author Julius Babyetsiza, who writes his autobiography here, has certainly lived it. And he tells us of his experiences with poise and passion in Destined to Triumph.
I was fascinated by this man, not much older than me, who chose to try to change his world, which by both his and every other account I’ve ever read, is probably one of the most corrupt and horrible places on Earth. But it’s apparent that Babyetsiza both loves and loathes his native Uganda, for he is in a unique position to know both the country’s potential and also to experience how it’s being squandered for the benefit of a few people at the very top.
I’m also fascinated that Babyetsiza chooses a non-violent path for this change and instead uses his intelligence and his writing skills. Reading the pages of this book, it’s obvious that he has an abundance of both. I only wish we could have some real closure to the narrative, but it’s clear that his story continues to be written.
I don’t know if Destined to Triumph can change the world, but this moving tale could make a big impact on Uganda, and I wish him well in that endeavor.
John Breeden II
Old Number Seven.

Pat Black wrote:
A fantastic memoir, spiritual and uplifting. I was particularly taken with chapter one; I'm sure there is an old saying that a boy does not truly become a man until his father dies; you had to deal with that at a very young age. Strength to you in your battles; this is an important book


junetee wrote:
Brilliant! You have had an amazing life Julius. I know it has had it's ups and downs but it sure is worth writing a book about. I love the way you add all the biblical pieces in, I had wondered whether to do that myself in my book - although it is very different because as you know mine is fiction.
You deserve another 6 stars.

Bella1 wrote:
Destined To Triumph was referred to me by Dana, and I found it to be an excellent read.
Best wishes,

This book is one of the most inspirational things I have ever read. Although often dark (as reality no doubt is) it is easy to see your involvement in this memoir, how passionately you have poured yourself into it. The ideas are very thought provoking. This is an amazing autobiography - that I enjoyed it is all the more impressive, since I generally avoid things in this genre. A remarkable achievement!

emorimor wrote:
Thank you Julius,
I have read this chapter 26/27and I find it spot on Uganda’s reality—your real experience, endevours and thoughts are inspirational. If all Ugandans had similar thoughts, Uganda wouldn't have gone to the dogs.

Andi Brown wrote:
Hi Julius,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read your poignant memoir. It's disturbing and touching, and you very clearly write with a lot of emotion and passion. It's a very personal story. There was a lot of information to take in every single paragraph. Perhaps if you broke them up a bit, it would help. You have an amazing story to tell, and I wish all the luck in the world with it.
Andi .

By-Dana wrote:
Dear Juliusb,
I found you’re your book very interesting and much more. I wanted to back your book because I simply enjoyed what I read in the first few chapters. It is evident the hard work you put into this. I’m by far, qualified to make any comments to any part of this book, but I do know that as I was reading, your descriptions were very vivid and compelling in my mind. I couldn’t help but continue to think as I read; that this story would be something that national geographic would want to do a biography on. I love this story, and I appreciate its integrity.
A job well done! This also deserves a top star rating.
Dana P.

Jenni Hall wrote 134 days ago
Your ratings are looking good Julius. I´ll give you another rating.

ptr wrote:
I read through this manuscript and found it an encouraging piece of work—consistency on to the theme of unfolding pattern of life as it shaped your destiny. "It takes the whole village community to bring up a man". Destined To Triumph is "a mirror reflecting the bad image" of the majority of the rural and urban poor who missed out of opportunities. Finally, it is a call to current managers of public affairs, most of who probably grew up in similar circumstances, to be fair to "the wretched of the earth".

kamwada wrote:
Julius, I find lot of Christianity in your book, being an atheist, I would not have read more than two chapters. Yet I must confess that I continue to enjoy it, and I also realize that love determines our destiny.
The aspect of your rejection of love advances form a Ukrainian girl really depressed me. Why should you refuse, or reject love granted to you on a silver platter? Many people of the world are searching and working for love.
Ohhhhhh, that chapter is still fresh on my mind. It is a lesson that everyone need sot learn from..

Rob1969 wrote:
I have just read the first few chapters of your book and I really like it. I love your sense of self and lineage – the use of biblical imagery also. It is, despite it’s serious topic, an easy enough read. You commented to me that you worry about English not being your main language – don’t. Your writing has a style and pattern that suits your language perfectly. Your English is just fine as it is. It has a style - many people don't.
To conclude, it’s a cracking, moving story steeped as it is in your country’s tumultuous history. It's well researched and it’s well told.
I will be back to read more.  I have backed your book and added it to my bookshelf.
Well done and keep up the good work

Diane60 wrote:
Hi Julius,
I have read the first two chapters of your book. Your style is easy going and the crux of the story line is hard hitting. It is an honest and heartfelt telling of your story. I wish you every success with it.

emorimor wrote:
Dear Julius,
I have just read prologue of your book I must admit to you that your honest experience and realistic analysis of Ugandan situation is well founded master piece of knowledge.
You deserve my backing.

CMTStibbe wrote:
Destined to Triumph is an ambitious piece, meticulously researched and sensitively written. The family tree is a poignant reminder of great ancestors who came before, reminiscent of Old Testament writings. Vivid descriptions of Ugandan customs and emotional account of your father’s death in 1974. The uncontrollable mourning and wailing of the people gives a picture of people in agony over this confusing incident and a small, eight-year old boy holding his father’s shoes is too terrible to contemplate. The voice is a powerful and the servant aspect gives this book the compassionate tone that God instills in His people. Your faith shines through especially in light of having to deal with a regime of injustice that rages over the most vulnerable of people―the poor. High stars.
Claire Chasing Pharaohs.

Sirhajwan wrote:
I admire your capability of recording and pooling all the recollections that you have and present them in a narrative, chronological and personal manner. I also love the fact that you relate your story to the content of the bible. It is an amazing masterpiece and you have shown a great capability in being a writer.

Su Dan wrote:
As a Christian l find this book very interesting...l love that you start with genealogy...you set it all out with care and skill and this deserves my backing and six stars******

junetee wrote:
Quote: “In my inner self I began to take more seriously the persistent voices that urged me to write my autobiography” - I was finally got convinced that it was God speaking to me.
This I can relate to.
In Introduction: My Genealogy I like the way you began with the family tree - just like in the bible!
You have a comfortable flow in your writing Julius, which is so easily absorbed. I read to chapter five and what can I say? Destined to triumph is definitely the book I expected it to be; written with honesty and integrity and from the heart, but I realise in chapter 5 the substance of the story has hardly begun. I look forward to reading the next few chapters on another night when I've got a few hours spare.

Chapter 28
This is very moving because of the sense of injustice to which you return, it being the main theme of your story.
-- Poverty is a national problem, which has bread many others.
-- You put your finger on one aspect of the issue, 'universities and industry are more or less mutually exclusive.' So, too, you put your finger on the leadership issue.
-- You have also shown remarkable energy and persistence in your personal letter writing campaigns to try to open eyes. You have clear vision and strong belief. Your own setbacks, experiences and hopes have helped to form you, but they are not here in this last chapter because you are not thinking about yourself, but about others. You want to make a difference to others and your voice is strong. But, but, but... The professors, those wise, lucky, successful men, do not seem that gifted in the listening department. Is it that they are comfortable? That the ideas are not their own? That they lack the courage to rock the boat, to change things? That they might just be lazy? That they have forgotten what it is to be young? To have to struggle?
-- This passionate sentence captures the essence of things:
"I feel that it is not fair for university leaders also to occupy the passengers' seats when the vehicle which is carrying us is going to the dogs, especially through greed, embezzlement, rampant corruption and the stealing of public funds that are meant to uplift the poor, lack of proper national planning and poor policies, corruption, environmental abuse, poor governance, poverty and stagnation."
-- My feeling is that you should be in politics in some form. I don't know what form that should be as the danger of normal politics is that it tends to corrupt all who get into it. But your desire to improve things is strong and right and I can't imagine that you would not find support.
-- Perhaps this line shows your way: 'actuated by the barrel of a pen' ... I wish you well in this. I am especially impressed by your determination having been ignored:

"I did not stop at being discouraged ... I felt I needed to continue engaging university leaders towards building a knowledge-driven national economy."
The final letter shows that you are capable of organising the basics of organisation, too. What is it that is holding others up from your worthy intentions I wonder?
The final quote from U.S. President Lincoln is a wonderful and powerful support for all you argue for. Abe would most definitely support you in your struggle. All you say just makes plain old common sense. It is for the good of many. It must be argued and supported because it is right.
Ron Askew.

Beccy Blount wrote:
Backed on the strength of my friend Orlando's recommendation. He has enjoyed all he has read of your moving story...and, to my amazement, has opened a Bible it seems after long saying he needed to read the most important book in English.

jlbwye wrote:
Destined to Triumph.
Your Prologue, written in an easy style, prepares the reader for what is to come.
Introduction: My Genealogy. I wonder if a modern style family tree might be used to illustrate your ancestry, in addition to the host of names which the reader is faced with in this chapter?
I like the way you tell of greeting your uncle, and would wish for more such instances to break up the heavy history, which, indeed, reads like books of the Old Testament.
Chapter 1. Your description of your father's death, and the recounting of what friends and relatives said about him at the burial ceremony are authentic and vivid, but somewhat drawn out and repetitive. I know that you tell it how it happens, but to engage the reader's interest, some editing may be called for.
The meanings of the names, and the development of your character to match your 'forget and move on' name are delicately described. The insights into Ugandan customs are very interesting, and you have a style of writing which matches the gravity of the subject matter. In a way it mimics the tradition of oral history, as has been said below. I'm inclined to agree that your book is in a class by itself.
I'm not sure the users of a site like this are sufficiently qualified to comment meaningfully on your book. But I believe it would be worth your while to seek the services of an editor with knowledge of your subject.
Jane (Breath of Africa).

Geveret wrote:
This isn't a book; it's the manifestation of an ancient tradition of oral history. I don't think it's fair to judge it according to commercial western standards. It's in a class by itself.

kelvin.t wrote:
Hello Julius,
I have just gotten through two chapters and I must say I am struck by easy the story flows. There are many details and names though, included which I like but you've somehow managed to escape the trap of it becoming confusing. I think your book would gain a great deal by having a map just to put the places into perspective . Also images of these grand people wouldn't hurt if you are able to find them. You write very well, I applaud you for the research and time alone it must have taken to put this all together in a coherent manner. I will read on. So far it seems like something you cannot put down once you start.

"Destined to Triumph" is as it says. I found the carefully laid out prose about your life clear and a delight to read. What you've written, while both inspiring and educational, is also a valuable piece of documentation covering a part of Ugandan history not too many people are aware of. Your work is a rare find for both scholars and laymen alike who are entitled to know the truth of what goes on in your part of the world. It is a great legacy to leave behind for posterity. Thank you so much.
Kenneth Edward Lim
The North Korean.

Julius, comments the fact that you are a Christian helped! As my church has done a great deal of missionary work in Tanzania, I am a bit interested in knowing somewhat about Uganda beyond "The Last King of Scotland". I think you've delivered!
I've only read the prologue and the first few chapters so far.
I have to say, I think what really has me hooked is what would bother some others -- it's that you write in your own voice. I can "hear" what I think is your accent as I read. Rather than coming off as the uncomfortable use for English, it's very effectively sets a tone that is often missing from these sorts of books.
I think I will enjoy reading it.

corteau wrote:
The suffering masses of the world are like the dead to us - tucked away in the nether realm of their misery. It is thanks to books like 'Destined To Triumph' that they regain their reality and we our intermittently human humanity.
I extend my profound admiration to Julius Babyetsiza for his endeavor.

DC Harris wrote:
I like that it's spiritual and Christian. I would imagine a lot of people would like to hear you speak.

Groaner wrote:
Interesting prologue. I like the way you have of putting a great deal of information few words, easily read and well understandable. First chapter is consistent with that, also. To be honest, that's all I read. Enough to see you write well enough to present your ideas clearly. Surprising that even with the lack of documentation you were able to trace your lineage so far back--a lot farther that I can.
Anyway, looks good to me. Well worth backing.
Best of luck to you. On my shelf.

A.R. Fairney wrote:
Dear Julius,
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and personal story with us. Though I have not read it all, and have yet much to go, I am enjoying your story. It has brought tears to my eyes.
May you be truly successful.
I pray that you would also consider reading my book. Though fiction and not true to life, there is much within that speaks of truth.
Blessings on you,

Shorebird wrote:
I have read several chapters of "Destined to Triumph" and must say it is an interesting expose of certain aspects of modern African life. I used to be quite close to a family of Congolese missionaries/refugees and have seen a lot of 'Nollywood' movies. I usually prefer those that deal with the struggles between traditional village life or the life of faith, and the temptations of city life.
Mainly, I read the sections of your book (chapters 1, 23-27) dealing with your relationship with Hanifa and all the difficulty that caused you. Much of this material might make a good fiction story, if you were so inclined. Life without God's healthful spirit is indeed futile, as you show. Your experiences with the church parallel some of my own. As a result, I have essentially given up attending church.
My Congolese friends had to literally run for their lives through the bush, once the Rwandans hit town. Mechanically, the narrative keeps my attention.
I will back this one.
A Watering Place.

Chapter 25:
Your personal spiritual journey is a fascinating as your journey to Ukraine and your efforts to get on in the material world.
Your church and its ways and the splits and troubles show how seriously people still take religion and spiritual matters in Uganda. This is no longer the case for many people in Britain.
Reading this chapter made me think of the 17th century in England when religion was a matter of the highest importance to everyone. I thought also of the dissidents, like Charles Fox, who split from the Church of England and found their own way.
The story of the death is fascinating. Why would someone want to kill someone like that? This is very sad. And it clearly affected your life and, I assume, the lives of others who were scattered.
So there is a real human drama in this chapter.
So, too, the story of how you found your way back to your church is also a strong one. You were distracted by the lure of witchdoctors but eventually broke free. There is a simple grace in the way you relate your story which, I am sure, many, especially those of faith would relate to strongly, seeing it as evidence of the strength of the faith you hold so dear.
Christianity is about others, too, being of use to others, serving as you put it -- an unfashionable word for many in the selfish, materialist West where taking is more often the way than giving.
The last two lines of this chapter are the best because they show your spiritual compass is pointing you in the right direction.

This story is truly unique. I have not met one of its type on the market, and for that you have created a diamond in the rough. Well, well done!!!

Neville wrote:
Destined to Triumph.
By Julius Babyetsiza.
Hi Julius, I have taken a random chapter 1 to look over and dipped into a couple more.
Your father was certainly a very likeable and respected person.
The day of his death was quite a shock for the whole village and your family.
You describe in great detail the sadness of the burial and the days afterwards …no one working to tend the fields…the feeling of a great loss within the community.
He surely was well known and liked, even in his school days.
You have clearly worked hard on your book; you’ve left very little out. Well done!
I wish you well with your book and have rated it on what I’ve read.
Kind regards,

.barnes wrote:
Chapter 1. I can tell that this is a well written novel but not something I would pick up and read. Good luck in what comes

It is, I believe the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible translation, the English of which is said to be some of the finest there is. Your English usage, as I've said before, is fresh and sounds different to English Englsh. I wonder if your richer usage may have something to do with your Bible reading? You are clearly a Bible reader, which most English people are not these days. It may be that some of the Bible's richness and poetry is evident in your use of English.

You understand yourself and your weakness. But is it not really a weakness, but rather the other side of a great strength? To be loved and to try and reciprocate it is a strength which far outdoes the weakness that may go with it. And of course you would not want to change, to stop being loved in order to keep mere thieves at bay. The thieves may take your money and goods but never your heart and love. And, as the last lines of this chapter show, you still have a strong hope.

Babyetsiza lives against all odds to fulfill dreams
Destined to Triumph chronicles Julius Babyetsiza’s roller-coaster life; an orphan that rises from abject poverty, survives a mysterious swelling on the leg that paralyses him, misses admission to Makerere University by a whisker but wins a scholarship to study Economics and Statistics at the Odessa State Economic University in Ukraine, and a Master of Science in Economics with Statistics at the same university.
There, he earns a reputation for brilliance and on graduation day delivers a spectacular speech on behalf of foreign graduates. He also takes to wrestling with zeal and knows he is on the cusp of professionalism when he is lined to feature in the Ukrainian National Wrestling Championship. But a knee injury wrecks that dream. The inconsolable student then shies away from his true love - a Slavic woman of dazzling beauty.
When he returns home, he is beset by unemployment, and forays into private business, marries a Rwandan beauty, who soon shows her true colours; melting “a golden ring into a tooth,” robbing him dry and vanishing.
Babyetsiza then lands a job as a Researcher and Computer Systems Administrator at the National Association of Professional Environmentalists, but is soon advised to denounce his critical newspaper commentaries, but he cannot allow to be gagged, so he later loses his job.
Inspired by an old saying that if a person fell and remained on the ground crying, it exalts the devil, Babyetsiza heeds his cousin’s advice to put down the “highly dramatic twists and turns” that have characterised his life, and this hilarious 214-page autobiography is birthed.
Published by CreateSpace, Amazon’s print-on-demand publishing house, Destined to Triumph, starts with the author’s early life, the untimely death of his father and the uncertainties that his four children have to endure seeing they are too young to fend for themselves, let alone see themselves through school.
But it is said God never abandons orphans. In spite of the labyrinths that he has to navigate, Babyetsiza somehow makes it, thanks to his determination and perseverance. The author also explores the role of love and togetherness in progress.
“Much as my life has been a mixture of intertwined dilemmas and opportunities, it is evident that boundless love has followed me all the days of my life,” he writes, thanking God for the countless people that have cared for him since the death of his father.
Through the author’s life and times, we also learn something about the history of Ankole and service delivery then. The author recalls the story of how Mbaguta, the prime minister of Ankole in the old days, exerted his power; getting men to line up with hoes from Mbarara to Kazinga Channel to construct a road that long in one day! But today, jiggers are wrecking the lives of villagers while LC officials look on, and money for road construction and repair is diverted for self aggrandisement.
The book is written passionately; with the author going beyond his personal life to expose the ills crippling the land. It is a commendable attempt at opening the eyes of the people of Uganda to quit goofing and rise above the mediocrity and build knowledge and technology-driven economies to overcome graduate unemployment, poverty and backwardness.
The author is disillusioned with the elite, especially university leaders and lecturers, who are doing nothing about “lack of proper national planning and poor policies, environmental abuse, poor governance, poverty and stagnation” and look on indifferently while embezzlement of public funds meant to uplift the poor goes on, and corruption hits a crescendo. He feels these erudite people should set precedence as “guardians of political and socio-economic accountability.” 
New Vision wrote:

Julius Babyetsiza, and the little Pioneer Pasika Keisanyu
Julius Babyetsiza has seen it all. In his deeply-moving autobiography, Destined To Triumph  he gives us highly engaging snapshots into the turbulent twists and turns he has waded through, which leave us convinced about his belief that he can only be surviving through the omnipotent protection of the “Hand of God”.
Having lost his father who had already divorced his mother at a very young age, Babyetsiza owes his survival and ability to continue his education to his elder brother, Francis Tamwine, who sacrifices his own primary education to assume parental responsibility and fend for his two younger brothers and two sisters. From then on, Babyetsiza had to settle for a life of uncertainty, tilling the land to supplement the support from his brother, relatives and friends for his education.
Striking highlights of Julius Babyetsiza story, Destined To Triumph,  include: a socially rich life and untimely death and spectacular mourning of the death of my father; my survival of a vicious attack of my leg by mysterious swelling which was cured through the miraculous intervention of my already divorced step-mother; my perseverance through primary and secondary school education with no reliable source of income; how I won a scholarship to study Economics and Statistics at the Odessa State Economic University in the Ukraine, former Soviet Union where I had flamboyant study time after failing to beat the intense competition to enter Makerere University – the only one in Uganda at the time; my shying-away from the love of Novikava, a young, beautiful classmate from Moldova who, disappointed, showers her love on another student from the Congo, bears him a son and gets an occasion to taunt me (in the presence of her husband) with the searing comment, ‘You know that child should have been yours’; my failure to get a job for several years in Uganda after my return with a Master’s degree; my marriage to a beautiful Rwandan con woman whom I met at my computer training institute in Kampala and who deserts me after stealing from me dear sums of money with the connivance of witch-doctors; my dabbling in advocacy for sustainable use of the environment by virtue of my employment with NAPE, which finally sacks me for my ‘pursuance of political interests’.

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